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Sesame Oil

Sesame oil is a vegetable oil derived from sesame seeds. It is also used as a cooking oil in South India and as a flavoring in Middle Eastern, African and Southeast Asian cuisines. It has a distinct aromatic flavor. Sesame seed oil is also very popular in medicine. This oil is popular in Asia and is one of the oldest oil-based oils, but mass production is still limited worldwide due to the improper manual harvesting process required to extract the oil.

Sesame oil is good for the mouth and teeth

Our ancestors did not have a toothbrush to have healthy teeth and to eliminate bad breath, so they used to rinse their mouths with oil a long time ago (in this way, you turn a tablespoon of oil in your mouth for 5 to 10 minutes and Then pour out). Medical research has shown that this can reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth and help keep the mouth and gums healthy.

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روغن کنجد

Sesame oil strengthens your skin and bones

Nutrients Sesame oil is not like sesame seeds because the oil is made from the separated part of the main seed. But one of the minerals that remains in the oil is zinc. Most of the time we think of zinc when we have a cold or the flu because it can reduce the duration or severity of the symptoms. But zinc is also used in the body to make collagen and gives our skin more flexibility. Zinc can even help your bones thicken.